NEOS’s Expertise in Due Diligence & Feasibility

NEOS empowers your energy projects with in-depth analysis, risk mitigation, and strategic insights, ensuring informed decisions that drive success and maximize value

We provide comprehensive due diligence and feasibility services that empower clients to make informed, strategic decisions for their energy projects. Our expert team delivers meticulous assessments that span the entire project lifecycle, ensuring that every critical factor is thoroughly evaluated before investments are made.

Our due diligence process encompasses an in-depth review of assets, facilities, operational performance, and project documentation. We conduct detailed feasibility studies that evaluate technical, financial, and environmental aspects to give you a clear understanding of a project's viability. This allows us to highlight potential risks, uncover opportunities for optimization, and present actionable insights that will drive project success.

Whether you are planning a new energy development or evaluating an existing asset, NEOS’s due diligence and feasibility services provide you with the solid foundation needed to proceed with confidence. Our extensive experience in the energy sector, combined with our analytical rigor, ensures that you receive comprehensive, data-driven evaluations that minimize risks and maximize value.

Review of Existing Documents

  • History of the assets/facilities
  • Feasibility reports and/or inspection reports
  • Rehabilitation projects
  • Other documents (characteristics, efficiencies, O&M documents, fault records, etc.)

Site Visits

  • Walk-through audit of facilities
  • Discussions with key representatives
  • Site inspections
  • Review of key documents


  • Assessment of main and auxiliary equipment
  • Review of O&M strategy
  • Individual plant analysis
  • Review of key plant matrices and key business plan assumptions (availability, generation, efficiency, O&M costs etc.)
  • Review of long-term assessments
  • Detailed snapshot of the plant
  • Assessment of heat and mass balance diagrams
  • Performance assessment by comparing as-is status with design values
  • Major equipment list
  • Project scheduling
  • NPV and IRR analysis
  • Market analysis

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